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適合對象:・成人 ‧中學生 ‧小學生 ‧幼兒 <情緒主人翁> 為香港言聽中心遊戲治療師及專業輔導員團隊設計的情緒認識及管理桌上遊戲。透過模擬情景及挑戰任務,孩子可輕輕鬆鬆認識不同情緒,培養同理心,增加挑戰的勇氣及學會自己想辦法解決難題。 訓練重點包括 : 認識不同情緒 培養同理心 自行解決難題 勇於挑戰 團隊合作 形式:情緒認識及管理桌上遊戲 訓練項目:透過模擬情景及挑戰任務去認識不同情緒及培養同理心 出版年份﹕2018  This is a board game designed by our team of play therapist and counselors. Children would learn more about different emotions, to show empathy, to work in a team and develop problem solving skills through different scenarios and challenges. The game is in Chinese, the set includes: a game board, challenge cards, game counters, tokens and dice. It is suitable for preschoolers and school aged children. Year of Publication: 2018 >> Click here to watch the demonstration video

情緒主人翁 Master of Emotions

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